Do you love the sun, crystal clear blue seas, soft powdery sand, and your beloved sport – Badminton? at Sea?
Be the first in the world to try the exclusive & innovative
Shuttle at Sea

As we all know Malaysia is very proud of its No 1 Sport - Badminton. A Sport that we showcase with pride! Everybody is familiar with the typical recreational outdoor activities, so why not make something outstandingly cool & fun? Due to current pandemic situation that has flooded the world, social distance and to discover new ways to perform the sport are important. As many cant live without badminton, the solution of Badminton on Water brings an innovative way to look at the sport from a different angle, promote the sport and expand the industry for sports Tourism both local and international markets. Thus bringing Malaysia up as badminton capital to the entire world, making Malaysia a top travel destination!

- First in the World Badminton @SEA
- Malaysia is Pioneer in Innovations
- Helps to perform the sport in the current pandemic Situation
- To increase value of the sport
- To expand the tourism and sports market
- To showcase the Badminton from unique angle
- Great & Fun Promotion
- Viral & Instagramable
- Can be used in Swimming Pool or Sea & Other
- Can be used for professional training as well, helps to improve body balance, agility, core strength
- Can be made for badminton training professional usage
- Attracts Tourism (local & overseas)
- Ability to organise badminton workshops & team building programs
- Easy to set up & keep for regular hotel activity and daily usage

- Benefits for amateurs -
- Get active and sweat it out
- Improve coordination
- Learn the sports from first hand professionals
- A new holidays experience to be shared
- Meet new people with the same interests
- A healthy holiday that recharges the mind & body
- Lose weight while having fun
- Benefits for Advance Players -
- Improve core strength
- Enhance endurance - Advance body mechanics
- Increase leg muscle strength
- Improve coordination & flexibility
- Boost reflexes and creative game play
- Sharpen balance dynamics
- Innovative badminton training
- Professional training with lots of fun
The innovative Shuttle@SEA court and program is available to build for your facility or custom-made manufacture based on your requirements and needs. Our product is available to ship worldwide.
Partner with us now!
Contact us for more details and information!
" Changes call for innovation, Innovation leads to progress "
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